jueves, 11 de octubre de 2007

Tarea de Computación para Jueves 18 de Octubre

Deberán entregar una cuartilla COMPLETA haciendo una comparación y un contraste entre 3 diferentes buscadores. Recuerden incluir algo de lo que aprendieron con los apuntes de la clase de hoy, así como que tipo de buscador es cada uno que escojan.
Links de buscadores que pueden utilizar para hacer la tarea:

martes, 9 de octubre de 2007

1st Intermediate Science Homework

Dear class,

For Thursday, please find the answers to the questions written on the board and copied during class today.
In your "Science Explorer" pages 16 and 17 you will find the answers by reading the text on bone structure.


Miss Madeleine.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2007



1.- Presentar propuesta para proyecto
2.- Terminar la guía.
3.- Entregar reporte de la práctica de laboratorio.
4.- Estudiar

Literature Homework - 1 Advanced

Dear students,

As discussed last week, we need to keep moving through the stories in our Literature book.

As assigned last week, your homework is to finish reading all of the story "Aaron's gift" and to answer all of the questions in the blue boxes from pages 48-55. I realise this is quite a lot of work, so we will use some time in class on Monday to work through this task.

This task is due (IN your "Reader's Companion" book) on Wednesday 10 October.

Thankyou and good luck!

Social Studies - 1st Advanced Research Project

Dear students,

As described last week, your homework is to bring in research on the countries you were assigned at the start of the term.

The research should be:

  • handwritten (NO printed copies from websites
  • 3 - 4 pages in your social studies notebook
The points of research on your country are:
  • Main climate zones of the country (eg. tropical, mediterranean etc)
  • Main natural resources of the country
  • main crops of the country
  • National Parks and UNESCO areas of the country (if any)
  • Recent natural disasters and recent cliamte changes in the country
  • General effects of climate change/global warming on the country - social, economic and environmental effects
  • the highest point and lowest point of altitude in the country ( you will need to find a topograhpical map for this)
The project is worth 20% of your October bimestral exam mark. I will be marking based on the quality of information and the amount of analysis - the way that you make connections and your own comments on the information.

The countries for each student are:
Juan Sebastian - Jamaica Victoria - Brazil
Mariana Daniela - Puerto Rico Stevan - Colombia
Diego Eduardo - Bahamas Guillermo - Cuba
Andrea - Guatemala Nick - Panama
Maria Jimena - Costa Rica Daniel Pimentel - Honduras
Perera Diego - Nicaragua Estefania - Dominican Republic
Mariana Rojas - Guyana Jhosimar - Bolivia
Paola - French Guiana Paulina - Suriname
Juan Carlos - Paraguay Florencia - Uruguay
David - Ecuador Rodrigo - Argentina
Juan Pablo - Mexico Simon - Chile
Issath - Peru Nicole - Belize
Lindsay - El Salvador Enrique - Venezuela

I have extended the due date for the project to Tuesday 16 October - for this reason I am expecting a high quality of work!

Thankyou and good luck!

Use of English 1st Intermediate

Dear students,

Please do not forget to hand in your completed exercises on p 14, 15 and 18 in your "Energy" student book on Monday.

Miss Madeleine.